Can You Afford to Lose Your Data?
A business like yours can’t. It’s that simple.
Disaster Data Recovery is a key element often overlooked in computer security services. Even a small amount of lost data can be costly. A 1999 Pepperdine University study, “The Cost of Lost Data,” estimated that the average incident of lost, stolen, or damaged data cost companies more than $3,900 per affected PC. The same report estimated that the cost of lost data to U.S. economy totaled more than $18.2 billon, and that’s in 1999 dollars! (1)
Data Recovery is of utmost importance to your business. Even a small amount of lost data is costly. All of your data is valuable and vulnerable to damange, whether it is your payroll information, customer records, research, finances and e-mails. Data loss can result from any number of factors:
- General human error
- Operating system bugs or application software bugs
- Unexpected ardware failures
- Fire, smoke or water damage
- Power outages and surges
- Employee and consumer theft or fraud
- Sabotage, hacking or viruses
- Disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes
The end results in dollars, lost opportunities and customer dissatisfaction can be catastrophic to your business. Request a Quote online today »
So what should companies do to preserve their data?
Business like yours must implement a solution that incorporates the following four components:
- Continuous backup
- Offsite vaulting
- Immediate recovery
- Guaranteed recovery
Doing it Yourself is Not a Good Idea
Backing up data yourself is extremely timeconsuming. The job might not be fully completed or properly accomplished. Having professional Microsoft-certified technicians do the back-up work for you can help prevent any sort of data loss for your business.
With our remote managed services regular malware, spyware and spam removal is done for you. Elliottsweb Tech Support works on off-hours you designate, so your computers are busy working full-time for your company! Request a Quote online today »
Need a Computer Replaced?
If any of your computers crash or are even stolen, Elliottsweb Tech Support can sell and ship a brand-new Dell computer completely loaded with all your data. This services starts at $499. It’s even a great way to upgrade your system!
Request a Quote online today »
(1) Smith, D. “The Cost of Lost Data.” Res. Rep. School of Business and Management, Pepperdine University. Malibu, CA: 1999.