Tech Support Overview


etting proper tech support is daunting task for most small to mid-sized businesses. Data loss is a major concern for businesses whether in Chicago or nationwide.

If you do your own back-ups you know that most still use a tape drive to store the data. The tapes alone are expensive, not to mention the work involved and their general fragility. Alternatives are to store your data backup on another computer on your network or copy it to a CD or DVD writable disk. However, that’s work you or someone in your company will have to do. Request a quote online today!

Using outside professionals can be expensive. Options available to you may include:

  • Have a repair worker come to your place of business
  • Bring your computer to a computer repair facility
  • Speak with a repair worker to fix your computer problems over the phone

These r epair costs can run over hundreds of dollars for each computer. Many outside professionals charge by the minute! You can quickly see a bill running into the hundreds of dollars for a morning’s work!

However, with Elliottsweb Tech Support, a small monthly fee can provide you with immediate tech support. We offer protection for your company’s computers and system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Elliottsweb Tech Support fox your settings remotely without having you and your employees take time away from their daily tasks. Using our equipment you can provide performance data and alerts to our support team. In response we can deliver rapid service and support. Our goal is to reduce repair time and increase uptime! Our ultimate goal is to protect your system so it never goes down. Our service has been designed for high performance and security at every level. Request a quote online today!

Back up your data BEFORE you repair your PC!

Elliottsweb Tech Support can securely and remotely back your data. From there it is available to be downloaded immediately to your new or repaired PCs. We will also be able to remotely fix your PCs for problems that do not require physically opening up your units!

Request a Quote online today »